Smooth cauliflower soup with the surprising addition of crumbled Parma ham. Perfect starter and easy to make.

25 minutes
0 – 5 euro pp

Ingredients for 2 liter soup:

  • 2 cauliflowers
  • 1 onion
  • 1 potato
  • 1 liter vegetable stock
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • nutmeg
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 100 ml cooking cream
  • Powdered chili
  • salt and pepper
  • lemon juice
  • 50 gr Parma ham
  • fresh basil
  • smoked almonds

How to prepare it:

Peel and fine slice the onion. Peel the garlic and cut it in half, remove the roots. Peel the potato and grate it.

Clean the cauliflowers and cut it in small flowers. Put a large pan for the soup on the stove and melt some butter.

In the meantime, heat up the grill and grill the Parma ham for approx.. 10 minutes.

Once the butter is melted, put the onion in the pan and squeeze out the garlic as well.  Fry whilst stirring for about 2 minutes before adding the cauliflower, keep on stirring and fry the cauliflower for about 2 minutes as well. Now add the vegetable stock, the grated potato and the bay leaves. Bring the soup to a boiling point and let it simmer for about 15 minutes.

Take the Parma ham out of the grill and crumble it. In case it’s not dry enough, put it back in the grill for a couple of minutes. Chop the almonds and the basil.

After 15 minutes you can take the bay leaves out of the soup. Use a (preferably standing) food processor to create a smooth soup. Taste the soups and add some salt, pepper, lemon juice and powdered chili according to your own taste. Add a bit of cooking cream as well to create a smoother soup. Stir once more with your food processor.

Serve the soup with some grated nutmeg, basil, almonds and the crumbled Parma ham.