Pasta Carbonara is one of the most traditional pasta’s made in Italy. It’s very easy to make although maybe a bit tricky so you do have to pay attention, it’s full of delicious carbs and very pure in its taste! This is by the way one of the reasons I like Italian style cooking so much. Of course the traditional Pasta Carbonara is made with pancetta. Since I do not eat pancetta myself I decided to give the recipe a Tempting Flavours twist; Pasta Carbonara with salmon.

20 minutes
0 – 5 euro pp

Ingredients for 2 pers.:

  • For the dough:
  • 200 gr pasta flour
  • 2 eggs
  • olive oil
  • sea salt
  • for the sauce:
  • 200 gr smoked salmon
  • 150 ml cream
  • 2 eggs
  • grated parmesan cheese
  • pepper
  • cherry tomatoes
  • fresh basil

How to prepare it:

As with all my pasta recipes, I’m making the pasta myself but I’ll also note down in the recipe when you can start cooking the pasta.

If you are making fresh pasta start with prepping the pasta dough. Take 200 gr of pasta flour and mix this (in you food processor) with 2 eggs and a dash of salt. Once the dough is becoming a nice boll, you put the dough in a bowl in the fridge. You can already put a pan with water on the stove, do the same when you are using dried pasta.

Cut the smoked salmon in small pieces. Cut the cherry tomatoes in quarters. Put 2 eggs, the cream, the parmesan cheese and some pepper in a mixing bowl. Stir well.

If you are using dried pasta, you can put that into the pan with boiling water now.

Now that all ingredients are ready to be used, it’s time to start prepping the pasta.

Make sure your countertop is clean and dry so to roll out the pasta dough. Cover your countertop with some flour and roll out the pasta dough until you can cut it into pieces that fit into the pasta machine.

Pull the pasta sleeves approx.. 3 times through the pasta machine. For this dish, I’ve used tagliatelle. So once the sleeves are thin enough you can take them through the tagliatelle shaper. After this, hang them on your drying rack.

Add sea salt and olive oil to the boiling water. Put the fresh pasta in the pan. It needs to boil for 5 minutes.

Put a small frying pan on the stove and fry the smoked salmon.

Rinse the pasta and put it back into the hot pan, keep the stove on, on a very low level. Add the salmon and stir it well through the pasta. Poor the cheese-egg mixture through the pasta and stir well. Heat it all up a bit but be careful since the eggs should not be firm, so keep stirring.

Divide the pasta over the plates, add the cherry tomatoes and finish off by sprinkling a bit of pepper and the basil on top of the dish.